Only a week to go until the Doctor Who special 'The Planet of the Dead' airs in the UK at 7pm on Easter Saturday. I can't wait to see it - ahem, not that I would resort to downloading it via BitTorrent or anything illegal like that...
Hopefully the ABC will fast track the episode, as they did (well, if you can call screening one month after the fact fasttracking) with the 2008 Christmas special, The Next Doctor. At the moment all that is known is that they'll screen it at some stage 'over Winter' - which doesn't sound like fasttracking to me. Time will tell. Appropriate for a show about a Time Lord, really...
Anyway, if you haven't seen the trailer for Planet of the Dead yet, then behold:
As for the remaining specials screening at Christmas this year and somewhere around New Year's Eve - which will culminate with David Tennant's Tenth Doctor regenerating into Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor - if you want some spoilers about what to expect, concerning special guest appearances by a couple of old friends of the Doctor - then click here... if you dare!
In related news, local TV scribe and man in the know David Knox has confirmed that Season Three of Torchwood, the five-part series Children of Earth, will be fasttracked by the Foxtel channel UK TV. Read about it here.
1 comment:
hooray - from the clip it looks like Dr. Who meets a sunnier 'Pitch Black' with a double-decker bus. Let's hope the ABC do better with Who than they are with the 'new' season of Spooks - which has been legitimately out on DVD for a year now...
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